on how i’m pretty nerdy…

So, I’m sure we all have our reasons why we’re ready for school to be out for the summer. Traveling, limitless sleep, seeing family and friends…I’m looking forward to all of these things. However, throughout this school year, I’ve amassed a small collection of design books.


Most of them are about sketching, but I’ve also got a couple on type and layout. I just really feel like those are some of my biggest (and most evident) weaknesses, and I’d like to improve on them before I graduate. Mainly, I want to find my own style in sketching. I was talking to Cristina about a fellow student I thought had gotten really good at sketching, and Cristina said something interesting: the other student hasn’t really gotten any better, she’s just found her style and discovered how to make it work for her. That sounds like a good idea…sign me up.

Also, I visited some friends last night, and they got a bunny!

p1020081 Here’s Keebler loungin’ out in a way I’ve never seen a rabbit lounge before.

p10200841 And a sepia shot to tone down the creepy, evil red-eye.

And, to continue with more animal pictures, I saw a donkey when I was visiting my grandparents the other day…crazy! From the looks of things, he saw me too… o.O


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