where to go from here

So, the overwhelming sentiment (meaning about a dozen people wrote this verbatim) from the comments on my work today was that the handle looks more elegant than casual…because it looks like a ponytail.
I have two problems with this.

First, casual and elegant are not antonyms. “Fancy” and “formal” would certainly be the opposite of casual, but I think “elegant” applies to many different types of things. Oftentimes, something is elegant because of its simplicity. After all, shouldn’t everyone’s form be elegant? Isn’t this the quality which leads people to buy products? I guess what I’m saying is that I think “elegant” doesn’t need to be one of my 3 words for my design to be elegant. That being said, I think the glossy white finish on my renderings could have been one reason why people perceived my work as being “more elegant than casual.” I’ll have to keep that in mind with my graphical treatment.

Second, isn’t a ponytail casual? Let’s look at someone who would most certainly be described as elegant–an actress attending the Oscars. Has there ever been an actress seen sporting a ponytail to such a formal event? I’d say a ponytail is more of an everyday sort of thing. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought these comments just didn’t make sense.

What I’m most taking away from the comments is that I should include my definitions for my 3 words with my final presentation. This will help people understand more where I’m coming from. Also, I need to make sure the graphical treatment isn’t “fancy” or “formal.” I don’t want it to look clunky, but it should help sell the word “casual” a little better.

Seacrest out.

One Response

  1. I really like the model that’s on your desk [I’ve been playing with it – GENTLY!]. I really like the handle, if it looks like a ponytail or not; it makes me want to play with your cup, pick it up, etc. I like the proportions of your set – the cup, plate, and saucer have an inherent elegance in them. I agree that something can be elegant AND casual at the same time – which is usually a struggle, but you’ve pulled it off brilliantly.
    You have a lot of opportunity with the graphic treatments to drive the “casual” idea home – what does casual colors of graphics mean to you?

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