so much for knocking…

…opportunity is pretty much beating down my door. Yesterday, I got some fantastic news–the College of Architecture at Georgia Tech is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and there will be a big celebration/bonanza/party at the end of the semester. For the event, Tristan Al Haddad will be creating another installation for the Architecture building, and my furniture design class will be designing, fabricating, and installing the seating for the event!  The overall focus of the class is to design parametrically, so that a design can be easily adapted and customized while maintaining design intent, and the installation will be focused on reactivity, kinetic motion, how the body exists in space, and “first spaces.”

Some questions to drive our design:

How can one systematize not so that the design becomes fixed but so it becomes flexible?

How can we define structure? Structure is simply parts and the relationships between them.

I feel like this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime deal–also like our studio trip to New York. I never imagined how rich this semester would be… I might not sleep much between now and April, but I feel like these next few months are going to be some of the most rewarding ones of my life!
Over the weekend, I need to work on building a portfolio, finalize the form for my kitchen appliances, develop the interface for the appliances, create a mood board for the furniture project, finish up my Alias project, and study for the materials exam. I better get to work!